Monday, August 29, 2011

#PRSSA Twitter Chat

The first Twitter chat of the semester is right around the corner on Tuesday, August 30, from 9 pm to 10 pm (Eastern time). It will be hosted by the National Vice President of Public Relations, Lauren Gray (@laurenkgray), and Vice President of Chapter Development, Kendall Schmidt, will guest host as well. The topic is about planning for the new year and Chapter activities for the year. It should be a good one!

What is a Twitter chat you may ask? It is simply where you use a predetermined hashtag (#) so you can have a conversation with many users about a certain topic. You can follow all the comments through the hashtag. Twitter chats are a great way to stay connected with PR professionals and students all over the world and learn from all of them as well.

We have gathered some tips for new Twitter chat users with help from the National PRSSA blog.

Step 1: Log into Twitter. (If you don't have a Twitter account, create one.)

Step 2: Go to around 9 p.m. EST when you’re ready to join the conversation.

Step 3: Type "PRSSA" into the search box to see the Tweets using this hashtag.

Step 4: Now, you are a part of the conversation. You do not even have to add the hashtag--Tweet Chat does it for you.

You can also follow the chat simply through the Twitter website by typing in #PRSSA in the search box. If you follow the chat this way be sure to always add the #PRSSA at the end.

Here are some extra freebie tips:

-Be sure to listen before you Tweet. Just like at a networking function, it is rude to jump into a conversation and say something without knowing what everyone is discussing.

-Participate! This may be a no-brainer, but if you never Tweet your questions, they will never be answered.

-Stay Connected. If there is someone you want to get to know more as a friend or for professional advice, follow up with that person. This is such a great inexpensive low-risk way to network with people all over the country!

Don't forget to join the Twitter chat tomorrow at 8 pm(CT)! And stay tuned for more Twitter chats this year.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Meet the Eboard: Mr. President

With a new school year comes a new executive board, and for the next couple of Fridays, Missouri State Chapter of PRSSA would like you to meet its new team. First, meet our fearless leader Mr. President, Doug Gaehle. His major is Public Relations Major with an Ethical Leadership Minor. He plans to graduate in May 2012. 

As president of PRSSA, he is responsible for overseeing the organization but is also seeks to inspire and engage the members of PRSSA to prepare them for careers in public relations. You can ask him any number of questions but most importantly with executive or administrative questions, questions about the national organization, PRSA, volunteer or internship opportunities, recruitment, and “how you can be involved with PRSSA,” this applies to local organizations and the community as well.

Check out our fun interview with Doug:

Why PR?
Sounds cliché but I really enjoy face to face interaction with people. I enjoy planning and executing events as well as the creativity of giving people what they want and need. The social aspect of public relations is something I thrive on because it allows for open discussion and collaboration. It is a field full of hard work and maintaining relationships.

Describe your dream job.
I don’t have just one dream job. I plan to work in all the facets of PR to better understand what it means to be a public relations professional. Ideally I would work in an environment that is culturally diverse and sociable. I would like to travel but have enough time to keep a home life and be an active member of my community.

What is the theme song of your life?
Definitely no theme song here. My ipod with so many different types of music that I choose songs based on my mood and there is always a song to fit an occasion, emotion, or situation.

Favorite color?

Favorite past time?
Painting/ crafting, swimming, and reading

Don't forget you can meet Doug in person at our first meeting of the semester on Tuesday at 5:00 in Craig 330!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome Back!

It is that first day of school,
and MoState PRSSA just wants to welcome you back.
You know you missed Craig Hall this summer!

There are exciting things planned this year for all of you,
so be prepared and tell all your friends.

Important to know:
First meeting of the semester is Tuesday, August 30 at 5 pm Craig 334.
Meeting for new members is that same day at 4:30 pm.

The Facebook group is a great way to stay up to date on what is going on, so make sure to join it!

Here is our most recent promotional video:

Good luck with the rest of the first week of classes!