Bear Communications

A student-run PR firm with a public affairs mission.

About Bear Communications
Bear Communications is a project of Missouri State PRSSA. It allows PRSSA members to become part of a student-run PR firm. Bear Communications’ mission is to provide MSU PRSSA students with hands-on PR experience. Involvement also presents networking opportunities and refines teamwork skills. Bear Communications seeks to make the transition from student to practitioner as smooth as possible.

How it works
Members are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team works with one Bear Communications client by providing various PR services. Bear Communications’ clients are made up of various businesses, organizations or groups in and around Springfield, Missouri. Past clients include: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks, Champion Athletes of the Ozarks, GYN Cancers Alliance, and Contact firm director Sara McClendon if you are interested in working with Bear Communications.

Contact Bear Communications
Sara McClendon – Firm Director