Monday, April 9, 2012

What 2012 PRSSA Assembly Taught Me

After learning that I had been chosen as the Missouri State University Chapter delegate for PRSSA National Assembly this year, I was ecstatic. I was especially excited that Assembly being held in Charlotte, North Carolina: a personal destination of mine! 

Although I was able to introduce myself through Facebook and Twitter, I couldn’t wait to put the profile pictures with actual faces during Assembly.  As I landed in Charlotte and turned on my cell phone, I learned from Twitter that there were other delegates on the same plane as me! It was great to meet other PRSSA people right off the bat in a new city.

Day of Competition

We hurried to our hotel rooms to get ready for the Day-Of Competition. During this activity, we were randomly split into small groups to create a communication plan for the client, Duke Energy, in one hour or less. This was a great learning experience for PR students. A PR professional should be equipped with the knowledge and flexibility to work with a group of strangers to complete a project under time constraints. Although my team did not win the competition, I was grateful to have participated.

Breakout Sessions 

The next day, we broke into different sessions for individual positions, such as Presidents, Secretaries and Historians. I attended the Firm Director session, where I was able to share ideas with other PRSSA Firm Directors across the country. It was reassuring to learn that many Chapters’ firms were in the same boat as ours – a work-in-progress. It was also great to hear that many successful, nationally affiliated firms started small and grew from there. 

Election Day

The day of elections was quite a different experience! There were so many National Committee candidates that elections lasted for over twelve hours. I was told that there had not been an Assembly like this one for decades. Each candidate’s speech brought different elements and leadership qualities to the table, which made the voting pretty difficult! On Saturday night around 9:30 p.m., the National Committee elections came to a close. We have a great new PRSSA National Committee leading us in the upcoming year!

What I Learned at Assembly

The entire opportunity was truly uplifting. The most amazing part about any large PRSSA event is the people. There is nothing quite like a room full of students who are interested in the same things as you. In the world of PR, you are not alone. Out of all the great things I learned from attending my first PRSSA National event, there are a few tips that stuck out and deserve to be shared with other PR pursuers.

  •   As an intern, don’t be afraid to speak up and make suggestions.
  •   Communicate wholly with younger members, especially regarding executive board positions.
  •   Keep communication open between PRSSA members and executive boards.
  •   Brand yourself through social media – especially blogging. Your digital presence is vital.
  •   PRSSA connections and development continues after college! The PRSA New Professionals Section is a great way to stay connected. Everyone else goes through the same transition as you.

PRSSA National Assembly was a priceless experience that provided me with confidence and willpower. If you have the opportunity to attend a PRSSA National event, go! Do not hesitate. I can assure you that you will not regret it. 

In closing, I’d like to include a quote from one of the speeches during Assembly elections. “As PRSSA members and young professionals, we are building the blueprints to our lives.”

This post was submitted by Lauren F. Harris. Lauren is a junior Public Relations major with a minor in Ethics and Social Policy. As the Firm Director, Lauren is responsible for managing all of the student run firm's, Bear Communications, clients and account executives. You can contact her via email at or follow her on Twitter @Lo573.

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