Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What Should I Bring to PRSSA Day?

PRSSA Day is less than TWO days away. If you are anything like me, your mind is mentally going through your closet seeing if anything is adequate to wear for such a professional occasion and freaking out about what to bring and what not to bring. Well, breathe a small sigh of relief because I am about to share some tips I have learned in attending professional conferences over the past four years.

Here are some things you should consider bringing:

1. Wear a  Professional, Unique Look:

The look for professional conferences is almost always business causal. That means no jeans, screen tees or flip flops! Think about making a first impression on future employers. Every professional you meet could be your next internship supervisor or boss. Make sure they remember you for your rockstar, professional outfit!

2. Multiple Copies of your Resume:

There will be a resume critique at PRSSA Day, so don't leave yours at home! It is an opportunity to have real professionals give you feedback on the first writing sample future employers will see. Resumes also come in handy at a Career Fair or when meeting professionals. You never know when you will meet someone with your dream internship!

3. Business Cards and Business Card Holder:

This may seem weird to some of you. Business cards are great for networking events because as you meet people you would like to stay in contact with (including students), you can exchange information with your business cards. They do not have to be fancy just include all your contact information! Be sure you also have a way to hold all the business cards you receive from other people. You do not want to lose a connection.

4. Comfortable Shoes:

Girls love their heels, but keep in mind it will be a long day, lunch is downtown on your own and we are going to get to play in The Discovery Center! So if you need your heels ladies, pack a pair of easy flats to slip on for play. :)

5. Notebook & Pen:

Conferences almost always provide note paper and pens, but don't risk it! Bring your own notepad and/or pen to take notes from all the fabulous speakers and panelists.

6. A Fully Charged Phone:

This is NOT a class! We encourage you to be on your phone all day tweeting and Facebooking all the fabulous things you are learning. We also have a hashtag #ScienceofPR that you can follow on Twitter to connect with people and hear what they are saying. Nothing is worse than your phone dying at a conference after someone say something "tweetable."

7. An Enthusiastic and Outgoing Spirit:

You get out of a professional conference what you put into it. If you come with an enthusiastic attitude, outgoing spirit and open mind, you will learn more than you ever learned in a classroom and meet people you would never expect. Do not be afraid to start a conversation with someone who does not know you just because you are shy. Be bold! Who knows where that connection may go?

I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday. If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members or email us at If you have not yet registered, click here for more details.

Bethany Parry—Vice President: Bethany is a senior at Missouri State University studying Public Relations and Spanish. As Vice President, she promotes professional development, manages communications, and supports the president in anyway needed. You can contact her at or follow her on Twitter at @bparry08.

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